Familien Rajcsányi hjemmeside
Våbenskjold og voksstempler

The following images are in private property. Every use needs a prior written permission of the copyright owners !

Historisk våbenskjold for adels familien Rajcsányi

Våbenskjold, ejeren er ; adelsmand Mihály Rajcsányi, 2007

Replica of coat of arms for Mihály Rajcsányi :

It also bears in the coat of arms, depicts a scene, in the same way as the noble rajcsányi Rajcsányi family crest.
In this version of the coat of arms to protect ll. Stephen King from bear attack with spear in arm of Korus

All rights reserved © Mihály Rajcsányi  

Våbenskjold, ejeren er; Ádám Rajcsányi

Våbenskjold, ejeren er; Imre Rajcsányi, 1662

Voksstempler, ejeren er; János Rajcsányi, 1749

Sider for familier

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