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Atilla's holy crown

Realities on the Hungarian king Atilla what Rome and the German-Roman Empire has concealed

There exists a lively debate among experts in the history of our holy crown. We now know that no two crowns put together as it was taught in the Roman church, but was portrayed as a whole, made by a goldsmith's masterpiece, "Father - mother-son "the most perfect representation of the Holy Trinity. It is interesting how Dr. Gábor Pap, writes about the holy crown as "holy star", he calls it as if has come through "the Scythian wisdom of creation ... a source of salvation history program that produced only for a Scythian king. "(Pap, Gábor: Engel crown, the holy star" (1996. Page 21)

Often I thought that maybe made to the Scythian-Hun king Atilla ...? Maybe he wanted to put on his head when he defeated Rome and BYZANCE and his vile revive through Jesus the Scythian wisdom, faith, and revitalize the Mani and Scytianusz organizations. It is possible that Aetius was also privy to the plan. It was probably therefore Valentius the Roman Emperor has given orders to assassinate Aetius. It could not be any other reason for it. (It is interesting to note here also that Aetius origin or his family arises Rome nothing about.)

Immediate Atilla, I have one important piece of information, namely:

"Exciting the chronicler's remark that Atilla" grew up in Engadi "because ENGADI found only one on the map and is located on the west coast of the Dead Sea and is located in the same distance from Jerusalem and from Arad, not far from esszeusernes or Essenes headqarters, Qumran. "

We are talking here about the Arad located in Palestine, and should know that Atilla was there with the Roman emperor as "Royal booty boy", while the Roman prince - Aetius - grew up by the Hun-king. In this way, Atilla and Aetius (Éciusz) were close friends. "Engadi" was the time during the Roman occupation, therefore, belonged to the area "free of Jews territory" and "was founded by the Apostle Peter also known as" Antioch "church group who have rejected Christianity, lived there. They were dissidents presses also Saul -Paul 's Jewish-Christian. Atilla grew up there, therefore he was double-Jesus believers. Through Atilla he was Hun-prince by birth, he had good opportunity to practice his own religion by the "Coptic Christian" group in Engadi. Certainly, he has also visited his hun-brothers in the Caucasus and along the way, he crossed the town of Edessa, because the road to pass through the Caucasus. The father of Atilla, he sent the prince to the Romans to get to know them. Not only them, but also the surrounding Hun-areas.

These data have raised the idea in me that our holy crown is made for Atilla. But I go farther and assert: those who have ordered production of the holy crown they have known the old Hungarian religion "Ószövetség", it "creates Fokos" and placeing the holy crown which belonged to the  "Lil EMBAR" (in hungarian, EMBER) head, which was signed by the wise men in Kaldeus. As noted by Gabor Pap, the "Scythian wisdom" that comes from creating resources and said better, we have no other evidences of the previously mentioned. The scythian wisdom is called today Sumerian wisdom and we also know today that the Hungarian holy crown was constructed in Armenia, around in the fourth century A.C. Thus, our holy crown tradition "Si-traditional" historical evidence of transfers scytian-partus as blood transformed to humanbody, his willingness Law and eternal progress of knowledge and justice!

The Judeo-Christian Rome, they probably know something about our holy crown and the crown is today in the Parliament, like House as a museum object and not on the head of a truly hungarian is descended from the Árpád dynasty. Rome consider not our holy crown today as holy and they are afraid of the renewed not Jewish Jesus as prince Partus Jesus, him as "son of light" revived and flew to heaven on Turan (Central Asia).

Our knowledge-taxes can be attributed to the "SI traditions", our holy crown and Turan-Lepel image of Jesus because they are living proof of the existence of the Chaldean or Scythian wisdom of our Lord Jesus reformer.

Enormous wealth and power we hold and we are privy to the divine of God plan which is starting with our history, many thousand years before year 1 and we are available to the nation to the Almighty God and His holy son to justify his will.

                                                                        Mihály Rajcsányi


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