The Rajcsányi family homepage
Rajcsányi family friendship club

Registration :

The following expenses are covered:

Construction and maintenance of the database.
Other books are issued.
Costs for our family World-wide meeting.
Running costs for our homepage.

Annual membership fee:

5,000 ft. single. Couples 7,000 ft. a year,
for students and retired, Free.

Send e-mail to the email address under Contact to Adm., with a fallowing dates :

Your name.
Email adr.
Single, couples, student or retired.

Than you will receive a e-mail, with the necessary informations for you can enter the database, like user.

Registration like user to the free for charge Family sites :
You may request a free of charge, on its own page on this website. On this site you can also build your own family tree, or to upload your informations. You can edit the page only, or also be able to enter the user-name and password. But, everyone has the opportunity to look at each other's pages.

To be able to use your own free site, under "Family sites", during the registration send fallowing informations to the e-mail adr. under Contact to Adm.

Your site's name, for example. London.
Username, that you choose.

After the registration, you will receive the informations you need to enter.

The user-name and password, only to your own page of the Family sites, gives the right to enter !


Family sites

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